Delivery your Product within weeks

The Plug & Play Team is an software development team that product leaders hire to deliver a better product faster, staying in control of their budget and maximize their ROI.

Our clients

Our clients

Deliver business value in weeks.

Many teams take months or even years to deliver a working solution. This is how you lose the opportunity to validate critical assumptions early, optimize your solution faster, and create value sooner.

The established Plug & Play Team delivers a new working version of your digital solution every two weeks. This gives you the power to decide when to release and deliver value to your customers and your business.

Stay in control.

The project has been going on for months, but you still cannot see a usable solution? You're wondering how you are supposed to measure progress and when the project will deliver?

The Plug & Play Team delivers a working solution every two weeks. This way you can measure progress by what is working, not by what you are told. Every two weeks you can decide whether to continue, change or stop development. This keeps you in control of your project and its progress, value, cost and risks.

Maximize your ROI.

Many teams waste a lot of time and resources by releasing late and producing features that users do not need.

The Plug & Play Team works empirically by testing the solution with users early and often. This keeps us focused on building the right digital solution that delivers the most value for your money.

Ready to build better
products faster?
Let’s talk!

Johannes Geske

Managing Director


Book meeting

Johannes Geske

Managing Director


Book meeting

Frequently asked questions (FAQ):

Incremental development to increase Business Value

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